Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pop Another Cork...

So many wines, so little time, so cliche! So true!

Student life kicked into high gear after learning I still needed two more prerequisites for potential entry to the Davis program next Fall. After a couple of days scrambling, I ended up filling my needs at Napa College. Plant Biology and Viticulture sends me to our sweet valley down the highway three days a week. Two more days a week 'auditing' UCD's introductory class. Same wine and vit class I attended Spring of 82...dang, there I go dating myself. I will just say that I was actually not more than 19 in my first wine class. Ahh, college.

Quick notes on Wine, then I will let you know of the more exciting stuff... I know what could be more fun than wine? I will get to that.

I guess a learning highlight was a Silver Oak Wine dinner recently at Sacramento's Sutter Club. The Sutter Club is an old gentleman's club in the Downtown. Among it's other claims to fame is it has an underground tunnel straight to the Capitol. Fun...not sure if it's true, but fun to pretend. Old Skool, but, enchanting, private, secretive and an all around glittery night out. Combine that with the Silver Oak folks coming to entertain and it was a winner!

Salmon Lobster Wellington with Cavier-Chive Butter paired with the 2008 Twomey Sauvignon Blanc was my highlight. First course, first wine... first nose: cat pee. Wow, what an example of that trait in a Sauv Blanc. I had not quite experienced this first hand other than with my own dang cats. My husband and I looked at each other and did the knowing nod so as not to offend our hosts. But, whoo weee. The incredible thing was how it seemed to disappear with the food pairing and how amazingly delicious the whole compliment of flavors. Just goes to show wine can be brought to new heights with food. My opinion. And, visa versa.

The dinner went on with Venison (Red Currant Jus) and 2005 Twomey Merlot... loved the Merlot and the Celery-Apple Choucroute. I love learning of new food....Choucroute is basically a shredded, krauty sauteed combo. Next was Filet Mignon and the dreaded debate of Napa vs. Alexander Cabernet. Yes, we had to go in a couple of times to precisely decide on a favorite. And, lovely enough we were split in the decisions around the table. I thought that was quite 'right' of us. Of course, based on paper and pocket decisions..most would pick the most expensive and well known. I like the underdog, so you know which side of the table I was on. The main thing I took away from the Big Cab's...was not to 'over Oak' any wine I would be responsible for in the future. I think there definitely comes a time when not to beat one about the head with Oak. Silver Oak has such a standing within the industry, and the wines were deliciously clean and bold. Yet, I could see if one wasn't careful, a wine could have too much a good thing.

On to the interesting news. We might buy a bit of ground. Ground with even a few areas for grapes. Yes, very exciting! More on that as not to jinx it. Must make this short in order to write an offer and drive back to Napa. Nuts and Cell Respiration awaits.